Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Going Live Chapter 10

Workflow for CI

Here is a diagram that explains how CI works:

In a real-world scenario, multiple developers work on the same application. They work
separately on their own machines. When they make changes to the codebase, they push it

to the repository in the version control system that they are using.

Now, this change triggers the CI process that we have integrated into our application to run
the test suites automatically and do the quality checks for the code that we have changed.

If the test suite passes, then it goes to the further process for testing the full application and
is handed over to the QAs.

But, if the tests fail, then the developers or the whole team working on that application are

notified. Then the developer working on that change makes the necessary changes to fix the
bug, makes a commit, and pushes the fixed code changes to the repository. Again, the same

process is repeated until the tests pass. Hence, if there are any bugs, they are identified
early on and fixed early on.

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