Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Going Live Chapter 10

Now, if we click on the database name, we can see the link to the MongoDB URL provided
by mLab. We also need to create a database user to be able to authenticate the database.

Go to the Users tab, click on Add Database User, provide the username and password, and

hit Create.

We should be able to see the MongoDB URL in the database profile page:

Let's update the MongoDB URL in our config/Config.js:

module.exports = {
SECRET: 'movieratingappsecretkey',
FACEBOOK_APP_ID: <facebook_client_id>,
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET: <facebook_client_secret>,
TWITTER_APP_ID: <twitter_consumer_id>,
TWITTER_APP_SECRET: <twitter_consumer_secret>,
GOOGLE_APP_ID: <google_consumer_id>,
GOOGLE_APP_SECRET: <google_consumer_secret>,
LINKEDIN_APP_ID: <linkedin_consumer_id>,
LINKEDIN_APP_SECRET: <linkedin_consumer_secret>
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