Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1

about 55
documents, creating 56
documents, deleting 63
documents, retrieving 59
documents, updating 61
MongoDB, Express, Angular, and Node.js (MEAN)
MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js (MERN) 6
MongoDB, terminologies
collections 54
database 54
documents 54
benefits 55
benefits, to Relational database Management
Systems (RDBMS) 17 , 18
database, creating 21
database, using 21
documents, creating 22
documents, fetching 22
easy to scale 55
flexible documents 55
installing 17
installing, apt-get used 19 , 20
installing, by downloading 18
installing, on Linux 19
installing, on macOS 18
installing, on Windows 20 , 21
installing, tarball used 20
installing, via Homebrew 19
no complex relationships 55
URL 18
using 21
about 65
all records, fetching 71
connecting, to MongoDB 67
custom validations 80
default validations 78
findById() 73
findByIdAndRemove() 77
findByIdAndUpdate() 74
findOneAndRemove 76
findOneAndUpdate() 74
installing 66

records, creating 68
records, deleting 75
records, fetching 71
records, updating 73
remove() 75
save() 73
specific record, fetching 72
validation, adding 77
movie application
action, creating 268
getter, creating 270 , 271 , 273
Home.vue, modifying 268
mutation, creating 269
store, defining 266 , 267
Vuex, installing 264 , 266
Vuex, using 264 , 266
multi page application (MPA)
about 250
pros 252
versus single page application (SPA) 252
multi-page applications (MPAs)
cons 252
about 44
benefits 45
file naming conventions 49 , 50
folder structure, changing 45 , 46 , 48
Mysql 8


URL 278
Node Package Manager (NPM)
about 13
installing 13
module 13
package 13
package, installing globally 14
package, installing locally 14
package.json file 14
URL 13
using 14
Node Version Manager (NVM)
about 12
Node.js, installing 12
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