Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1

axios 177
axios, used 177 , 180


using 278
traditional multi web page application 250
Travis CI
about 318
dependencies, managing 321 , 322 , 323 , 324 ,
325 , 326 , 327
Node.js version, specifying 319 , 320
reference link 318
repository, activating 319
script, building 320
setting up, in app 319
URL 223
type validation
about 79
numbers 79
string 79


unit tests
about 276
writing, convention 277
user login
API endpoint, adding 181 , 183 , 184
authenticating, in Home.vue 188 , 189 , 190
model, modifying 180 , 181
register view page, creating 184 , 186
setting up 180
submit and clear methods, adding to login form
186 , 188
user registration
API endpoint, adding 172
bcryptjs, installing 171 , 172
model, creating 171
register view page, creating 174 , 175 , 176
setting up 170
submit and clear methods, adding in register
form 176


adding, with Mongoose 77
View 44
view files
creating, for Express.js application 50 , 51 , 52 ,
Vue build
about 102
runtime + compiler 102
runtime only 102
Vue components
static files, serving 190 , 197 , 199 , 200
about 102
dependency management 103
ESLint 103
folder structure 106
projects, initializing 102
setup test 103
Vue build 102
Vue-router 103
Vue.js components
tests, writing 297 , 298 , 300 , 301
Vue.js directives
about 117
v-on 119 , 121
v-text 118
Vue.js technologies 8
about 100
CDN links, used 101
forms, handling 122
installing 101
used, as npm package 102
used, in script tag 101
about 110
URL 110
about 249 , 253
actions 261 , 264
application, creating 255
concepts 253 , 254
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