Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

Updating documents

This command is used when we want to update a certain part of a collection. Let's say we
want to update the description of a post whose title is Vue.js; we can run the following


> db.posts.updateOne(
{ "title" : "MEVN" },
{ $set: { "description" : "A frontend framework for Javascript
programming language" } }

The output for this command will be:

We can see here that the matchedCount is 1 , which means that as regards the parameter

that we sent to update the record with the title MEVN, there was one document in the posts

collection that matched the query.

The other key called modifiedCount gives us the count of the documents that got


Deleting documents

The delete command is used to remove documents from a collection. There are several

ways to delete a document from MongoDB.

Deleting documents that match a given criteria

To remove all the documents with certain conditions, we can run:

> db.posts.remove({ title: 'MEVN' })

This command will remove all the documents from the posts collection whose titles

are MEVN.

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