Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

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Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

Installing Git on Linux

Installing Git in Linux is as easy as installing Git on macOS. Just type the following

command and hit Enter to install Git on Linux:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Introducing GitHub

GitHub is a version control service. It is a source code management tool specifically

designed to track changes to our code. GitHub also provides features of social networking,
such as adding comments, and displaying feeds, which makes it even more powerful

because multiple developers can collaborate at the same time in a single application.

Why GitHub?

GitHub is a savior for software engineers. There are several advantages that GitHub
provides that make it worthwhile to use. A few benefits that are provided by GitHub are

listed here:

Tracking code changes: GitHub helps track changes to the code, which means
it maintains a history of our code. This enables us to view revisions of our code
base made during any time period.
Documentation: GitHub provides features for adding documentation, Wikis,
and so on to our code bases, and these can be written using the simple
markdown language.
Graphs and reporting: GitHub provides insight into various metrics, including
how many additions and deletions were made to the code, who the top
contributors were, and who has the most commits.
Bug tracking: Since GitHub tracks all the activities made at every point in time,
when something breaks, we can easily backtrack to the point that broke the code.
We can also integrate third-party tools such as Travis for continuous integration,
which helps us to track and identify bugs easily.
Collaboration is easy: Github tracks every activity done by every collaborator
working on the project and also sends email notifications about the same. It also
provides social media features, such as feeds, comments, emojis, and mentions.
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