Full-Stack Web Development with Vue.js and Node

(singke) #1
Introducing MEVN Chapter 1

Hosting our own website: We can also host our own website with GitHub using
a feature called GitHub pages. We just need to create a repo for our own project
and host it using Github pages, which will then make the website applicable to
the URL: https://<username>.github.io.

Using GitHub

GitHub is very easy to use. However, to get started using GitHub, we need to least know
about a few terminologies that are used in GitHub:

Repository/Repo: A repository is a place where all of our code bases are stored.
A repository can be either private or public.
ssh-key: ssh-key is a way to authorize in GitHub. It stores our identities.
Branch: A branch can be defined as multiple states of a repository. The primary
branch of any repository is the master branch. Multiple users can work in
parallel on different branches.
Commit: A commit makes it easy to distinguish between different states of a file
at a given time. When we make a commit, a unique identifier is assigned to that
commit so what it's easy to check what changes were made in that commit. A
commit takes a message as a parameter to describe the type of change that is
being made.
Push: A push sends the commit that we made back to our repository.
Pull: As opposed to pushing, pulling fetches the commit from the remote
repository to our local project.
Merge: Merging is basically done between multiple branches. It is used to apply
changes from one branch to another.
Pull requests: Creating a pull request is basically sending the changes that
we made to our code base for the approval of other developers. We can start
discussions on a pull request to check the quality of code and ensure that the
changes don't break anything.
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