68 Time March 1/March 8, 2021
35 • Steady under
I have yet to meet Sanna Marin in
person, because the COVID-19 pan-
demic has thwarted our tradition of
Nordic leaders meeting regularly.
Instead of meeting face-to-face,
we have kick-started our vision of
being digital front runners and met
online. I watched virtually as Sanna
began her role as Prime Minister
of Finland, taking office just weeks
before the country’s first case of
corona virus was diagnosed in Janu-
ary 2020. New to the job, Sanna did
not have much of a honeymoon pe-
riod, but she adapted quickly. By
implementing a lockdown in March
and banning travel in parts of the
country, Sanna helped to keep
corona virus case levels at one-fifth
of the European Union average.
Globally, Sanna Marin has been
celebrated for becoming Prime Min-
ister so young. However, she is not
a political novice, and during the
pandemic, she has proved that good
leadership does not depend on age.
Times of crisis show us what people
are made of. She’s an important part
of a strong team of women political
leaders in the Nordic-Baltic region.
I look forward to our cooperation in
the future. And being able to meet.
Solberg is the Prime Minister of
40 • Climate optimist
When the dark consequences of
climate change engulf our discourse,
I search for a light that shines on the
opportunities and potential for the
future. That’s why I turn to Ayana
Elizabeth Johnson.
Ayana embodies and inspires
optimism in the fight against climate
change, injecting creativity, joy and
hope into an issue that often feels
dire. A marine biologist by trade,
Ayana is a powerful force who has
used her voice to ensure the climate
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