How to Make Your Car Last Forever: Avoid Expensive Repairs, Improve Fuel Economy, Understand Your Warranty, Save Money

(singke) #1



If you want to make your car last forever, you first have to know how to take
care of it. And to know how to take care of it, you have to have some
knowledge about the nature of the thing itself. And when it comes to
automobiles, it means understanding some basic operating principles. Based
on these reasonable assumptions, Chapters 2 to 9 are dedicated to teaching
you the essential information you should know about the systems of your car.
How do they operate? What makes them tick?
Knowledge, confidence, good communication with service providers, good
decision-making skills, and a clear mind free of anxiety will help you do what
it takes to get the most mileage out of your chariot. Lack of knowledge makes
you vulnerable to all the negative stuff going on in the marketplace. So buckle
up: We’re going for a ride.

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