Converting to an Electric Vehicle

(singke) #1

Let’s get started
You might have noticed that some of the equipment used to
do the electric car conversion are not normally found in your
house. I will make an assumption here, that you either have
some experience with building and fixing your own
equipment at home or you know someone who can help you.

You will need a good socket set which most people have and
a set of wrenches both imperial measurement and metric, as
some of the workings are metric. We have found that 3/
inch drive equipment is large enough and quite inexpensive

A small note of advice: We have found that watching the
sales flyers of the major box stores, home depot or Canadian
Tire (here in Canada) is a great way to add inexpensive tools
to your home workshop. No, they are not professional
quality, in most cases but will add more enjoyment to any
building project. Put the word out that you would like tools
for Christmas presents, birthdays etc. and give a list if you
feel the need. People are always wondering what to buy,
make it easier for them.

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