Converting to an Electric Vehicle

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Just ask to speak with the maintenance or operations

We have found this is the person to talk to. Ask for the old

The good thing is that these batteries are usually in better
shape than older golf cart batteries, even though they are
used for industrial purposes. That‘s good for recyclers like us
who want to find Renewable energy products at good prices
or free.

In a later section we show you how to revive these
old batteries with a Battery Desulfator. You can
even build one yourself! Look for it in the bonus

Let’s Find A donor Vehicle

Here’s a picture of the 1995 Toyota Corolla we used for our
first electric car conversion. We picked it up for only $200 as
a parts car, as the engine was shot and would not pass the
emissions test here in Ontario. A perfect candidate for a
makeover, as this is a well built car.

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