Converting to an Electric Vehicle

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You will want to crimp the ends effectively and seal them too
with a cable end sealer to prevent leaks of current which will
reduce your power and range.

How do I stop?
One of the small problems associated with electric cars is
that you will need a small vacuum pump to power your
brakes along with a reserve tank for fluid. Easily solved and
we will show you how.

We have a special problem here in Canada, it gets cold...

What do you do when your batteries are cold and they will
only hold about 50% of their regular charge? We decided to
mount a heater that we could run until the car was running
and then it would produce heat for the cab too. It is simple
and inexpensive to install and are sold everywhere.

Also, you might want to consider a small heater for your
battery boxes to keep them warm.

Let’s start your conversion...

First off, I want you to take some time and make some
measurements of where everything will go before you get

Once the engine is removed, it may seem like there is tons of
room but you will quickly run out of space without proper

Your first order of business is to decide on a starting point or
reference point for installing your electric motor.

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