The heavy welding cable we used for connecting the batteries
is not easy to work with but does a good job of transferring
current to the motor without losing charge.
The cable is connected to each battery forming a series and
finally to the motor controller.
Please remember that you are working with very
high voltages so use tools with rubber grips and do
not cross your tools across the battery terminals.
Rubber ended tools is a good idea, and perhaps you will want
to wear leather gloves during this process to be safe. It is
simple series wiring from battery to battery as we explained,
positive to negative until they are all connected.
In your gas powered car that you presently drive your electric
supply is grounded. It is important to remember that in an
electric car this is NEVER the case. Do not ground the wires,
only connect them in series.
We also took the precaution of using copper pipe insulation
tubing at any point that the large wires looked like they
might rub on any frame parts. It comes in 4 foot sections and
is easily cut and managed into place with some electrical