Converting to an Electric Vehicle

(singke) #1

The light should only turn on briefly and then go out. If it
stays on then there is a problem that you have to fix, most
likely a short in your wiring.

If everything is alright then you can remove the light bulb
assembly from your batteries. You are ready to go.

Hook up your final battery leads. There will be a spark as
capacitors in the DC converter get charged up. Use gloves for
the final connection.

Let’s go for a drive...

About the only thing you will have to remember at this point
is that when the car is stopped the power steering pump is
not running. This takes some getting used to, but easing on
the power (gas?) pedal will get it turning easily.

If you are stopped and need to turn the wheel, just push in
the clutch which disengages the transmission and slowly hit
the power pedal and make your turning.

At this point just engage the clutch slowly to move the
vehicle. After you make the turn, you can take your foot off
the throttle for safety sake.

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