Don’t do this in the house, only in your shop environment.
What to do and How to do it
Basically, you are building a small musical instrument that
resonates a sound inside the battery. Most work in a pulse
fashion blasting sound at the battery plates.
Being made of metal the plates vibrate and as they vibrate
those nasty sulfate crystals drop away from the plates. They
land back in the water in the battery and are reconverted into
sulfuric acid.
That’s right, sulfuric acid! Very dangerous.
The desulfator circuit was built with an alternator diode from
our old van, an AC dimmer switch, a small AC fan to cool the
unit, a 40 micro farad run capacitor and my trusty multi-
meter to monitor the process.
We started with two simple 12 volt batteries to make sure all
worked well. We first made a connection between the first
battery’s positive terminal and the second battery’s negative
The remaining terminals of the batteries were connected to
the desulfator circuit. We slowly turn up the voltage until we
were at 25 volts, and 3.2 amps of current.