Finally, we were warm and happy and we lived in the house
like that for three years. During those years we started a
market garden business and began selling organic produce
just like we had before we moved.
That provided most of our income, along with part-time jobs.
We built a 60 foot greenhouse with dead cedar we had cut
from the property (with the chainsaw mill) in order to
enhance our produce business. We covered it with the left
over plastic.
From the beginning we experimented with Renewable
Energy and we bought our first solar panel just after we
moved in to the house.
We spent the off-season cutting roof trusses and roof boards
in order to finish the house as soon as we could. March 1997
was unseasonably warm and sunny, so we decided to put the
roof on. This was a huge act of faith, as we would have to
remove the covering of plastic on the second floor, in order
to put up trusses.
The rain could literally pour in any time it wanted. March in
Ontario sees its fair share of snow as well. But we didn’t
worry, we just worked. We all worked 22 days straight to put
the roof on, with the help of our wonderful neighbor’s the
O’Donnell’s who came over nearly every day. At 10:30 on
Sunday morning, on the 23rd day we worked, my son Andrew
and I pounded down the last shingle nail.
Then it started to rain. Jane and I stood on the hill
overlooking the house, holding hands, and holding back the
tears. We rejoiced as water dripped off the eaves. We were