Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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strong motivator to not mess about with getting your car ready to sell,taking pictures and paying for advertising, and having strangers come to (^)
your home.
However, in states such as California, the sales tax savings doesn’t apply—you always pay the full amount on what you buy. And some states don’t
even have sales tax. So, the first thing is to find out your state’s tax lawregarding trade-in vehicles.
sales tax law applies in your state.TIP: Call your department of motor vehicles to find out how the^
If you can reap a big enough tax savings (which usually means your carneeds to be worth at $10,000-$15,000 or more), it becomes an easy
decision to trade. No muss, no fuss. No advertising costs, no one comingby the house for test drives at inopportune time—or not even showing up
for appointments—and no exposure to unseemly characters.
“certified” funds used in private-party car transactions areTIP: Circa 2010, over 20 percent of bank checks and other

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