Only take cash, wired funds, or meet at a bank to verify what you’re getting.Before we finish this part of the discussion, here is a way to sell your
vehicle for the higher, retail amount state that gives sales tax credit. and get the tax savings, if you live in a
through them if you sell your car outright.TIP: Find a dealer that will allow you to run the paperwork^
This means you’ll have already determined you want to buy from thatdealer, which means pre-negotiating the deal on the replacement vehicle, (^)
called the “front-end deal.” Next, advertise your car and find a buyer for thehigher, retail amount, as you normally would (or do the research first,
advertise second, and find the dealer third). Then, when the time comes tocomplete the transaction, you sell your car to the dealer for an agreed-upon (^)
price, usually the same as the one you’ve settled with the retail buyer for,minus a “pass-through” fee, which will run from $100-$500. The dealer then (^)
turns around and sells it to your buyer at the price you’ve negotiatedalready. Here is how the numbers would look, comparing trading, selling (^)
outright, and doing a pass-through:
Trade-in Sell outright Pass-through
Your car $15,500 $17,500 $17,500
Sales tax $1,162.50 $0 $1,312.50