amount you’ll be offered by a substantial amount. Most of the time,resurfacing rotors will only cost $100 to $150.
justify your asking price.TIP: Receipts for work done will reassure a buyer and help to^
When trading, don’t worry too much about failed power windows and thelike; the dealer will know the cost to fix it, and you’ll rarely come out ahead. (^)
If you’re retailing the car, this kind of thing will have to be weighed on acost/benefit/hassle scale. If you don’t want to spend up front and try to
recoup when you sell, you can pay for a diagnostic from a mechanic anduse his estimate as part of your negotiations so that you don’t take any less (^)
than the cost of the repair.
The next step is the car’s appearance; this is where most people miss out.A filthy, smelly car only arouses suspicions, and casts the worst light
possible over your tenure as the vehicle’s owner.
First, get your vehicle professionally detailed. This is a fairly modest cost toyou—$100 to $200 is a typical range—yet makes a world of difference at
the negotiating table. Many scratches will be gone forever, the paint willgleam again and the upholstery and carpets will look fresh and clean. A (^)