Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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more). I’ve had my share of things need to be fixed on even vehicles asreliable as those from Lexus. Check sources like JD Power for a more

detailed breakdown on individual models. And remember that high-endvehicles from all companies generally have much more expensive parts (^)
and repair costs, even if the average. frequency of repairs isn’t any higher than
Here’s another benefit: especially as they get into higher mileages, you canreally differentiate your vehicle when the time comes to sell it by advertising (^)
it with a note about the service contract policy’s remaining coverage.Shoppers will assume all needed repairs have been carried out; the
implication being that the car is in better mechanical condition than thosethat are out of coverage. You can usually get more for it—even if you can’t (^)
necessarily charge extra for the service contract itself.
contracts.TIP: All high-end cars are good candidates for service^
If you are getting a new car, and plan to keep it past the extension of thefactory warranty, there is usually a nice savings to be had if you get a
service contracts then and there. Terms can go up to 8 years or 120,000miles for some cars. Note that the factory warranty still is in effect first, so (^)
you’ll have some double coverage. The service contract is less money,partially because they can earn interest on your money before paying out (^)

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