Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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discuss in the Leasing chapter, a lease’s interest rate isn’t disclosed, sodealers can make more mark-up.

So just what isn’t disclosed with menu pricing?

  1. Profit margin on the new car

  2. Trade-in ACV

  3. Interest buy rate

Legally they don’t have to disclose these, which is why this can still bereferred to as Full Disclosure, even though they don’t tell you everything (^)
you might want to know. They are charging to you , the term of the loan, the selling price of the vehicle do need to tell you the interest rate that they
you’re looking at, and what they’re willing to show you for your trade-in(remember that the amount they are really paying for it can differ from the (^)
ACV). They cannot fake an answer to any of these, and you canlegitimately fight them on such grounds should they do so and things get (^)
really nasty. The main benefit is that the Full Disclosure format gives youmore information, which is your ammunition in the negotiating battle.
logical about what you ask for.TIP: Once you’ve gotten to Full Disclosure, you’ll have to be^
If you’ve done your homework on what the car you’re looking at is sellingfor on average for in your area, researched both the NADA and Kelly Blue (^)

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