you on the bubble. The logic behind the bubble is to have you rememberinga great (imaginary) deal in the back of your mind as you shop at other
TIP: The bubble isn’t real.
The dealer will you’d never have left in the first place! But if you come back, they can take not meet your expectations when you return; if they had, (^)
another crack at you. In the meantime, you’ll be out, trying to match thatfalse “mind deal” at competitors, most likely without success. The dealer (^)
that put you on the bubble will look stronger in comparison.
If you follow these tips, your time in the dealer at this point should be only30 to 90 minutes, of which half or more should have been spent on the test (^)
drive and looking the car(s) over. You will have gotten the gross margindown to the lowest amount and maximized the amount your trade-in is
worth (read Chapter 11: Getting the most for your car for details) and madesure any dealer handling or other fees are included in the negotiated price.
Now you need to be ready for the real fun to begin...