Key replacement: replace; at dealer cost, I pay an average of $300 for both. If you tend toModern keys and remotes are very expensive to (^)
lose your keys, and the cost of the policy is less than that, this is worthconsidering. Average markup: $25-$100
Paint & fabric protection: detailing cars, and no paint treatment last much longer than 3-6 months.Near worthless. I paid for much of college (^)
Fabric guard might last a bit longer, but not by enough to justify buying.
Tire and Wheel packages: wheels from potholes and other road damage that can bend the rims, orModern low-profile tires offer little protection to
blow out a tire itself. If you live in an area with poorly maintained roads, thiscoverage might be worth considering on a purchase. If you’re leasing, and
the policy covers the cost of replacement tires—almost always needed bythe time the lease expires and you turn the car back in—for a sum that’s
substantially less than the cost of a new set of tires, it could make sense toget. Average markup: $100-$300.
if your auto insurance offers a discount for any of them.TIP: Research these online before going to the dealer and see^
As mentioned, a key in sales is to avoid “yes” or “no” questions such as“Would you like to consider a service contract?” Instead, salespeople like to (^)