Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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ask the customer “either/or” questions, where all the answers lead towardsa close, as in: “Which would suite you better, the 75,000-mile or the
100,000-miles service contract?” or, “Do you want the service contract andthe maintenance package, or just the service contract?” The interview
questions tell a good F&I manager what to ask and how to ask it. They caneven customize the menus they’ll show you based on your answers these
questions these days.

payment.TIP: Pay attention to each product’s price, not its affect on^

The menu will often show the price of each item in small print, and moreboldly, what your monthly payment increase is if you choose it. That’s
because it’s much easier to sell $10/month than $600 up front. in mind. Keep both
Sometimes the manager will run into resistance from an astute customer.They’ll set the menu aside, perhaps print some of your sales documents,

and then approach it obliquely, using what’s called the “step sell,” whereinthey incrementally suggest things that will have only a minor impact on your (^)
payment. They can be very, very good at this; a subtle expression ofsurprise that you don’t see the value in something they’re selling is a (^)
common—and successful—tactic often employed.

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