Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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on is based mainly on the profit it will make him or her—not on itsTIP: Which products the manager will try hardest to close you
inherent benefit.

Some low-cost items have high profit; others are the opposite. Don’t justpay attention to the various items’ cost. Think of their value to you. Another (^)
great F&I tactic is referred to as the “Space Shuttle” or “Titanic” close.Perhaps you’re buying a Honda, which is usually a very reliable vehicle. So (^)
you tell the manager you don’t need a service contract, since it’ll be“bulletproof.” The savvy manager will respond that thousands of engineers (^)
worked for years and years to design and build the Space Shuttle, yet westill lost two—or alternatively, that the Titanic sank. It may sound cheesy on (^)
paper, but it is a very, very successful tactic.
If you’ve studied the section on the costs and value of the various menuitems, you’ll have decided in advance which you might really want—and (^)
what you’ll pay.
TIP: Now it is time to negotiate.

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