car yourself. TIP: If you need out early, the best option can be to sell your^
Do it as a pass-through if you live in a state with sales tax. That way youcan get a retail price for it, and by running the transaction through a willing (^)
dealership as described earlier, avoid loosing a bunch of money to the taxman.
I very rarely do four- or five-year leases; the payments are rarely better,and I don’t like to lock people in that long. But there are exceptional
circumstances, especially when people are deeply upside down on a trade-in (where the inequity rolled in affects the monthly payment less) that may
make them desirable.
Just like a loan, each $1,000 of the lease costs a certain amount permonth. This makes figuring out what any down payment or inequity rolled (^)
into a lease does to affect the payment. Here are some rough figures(interest rate affects them):
24mo $40-$50
36mo $30-$33
42mo $27-$30