Car Buying Tips Guide 1

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your desired payment.TIP: Put as little money down on a lease as possible to achieve

I’d rather have a client pay down other debts, or hold onto their cash, thanuse it on a lease, unless they just have to hit a monthly payment.
Regardless, I rarely structure leases with more than $1,000-$3,000 down.
GAP stands for Guaranteed Automotive Protection. It is a form of insurancethat pays off the lease balance if the car is stolen or involved in an accident
and totaled by an insurance company. In my experience, all major leasecompanies and manufacturers include GAP in the lease except Toyota.

essential to get it if you’re leasing a one of their cars or trucks.TIP: Toyota offers GAP at an extra fee of $299; it is^

About 12 years ago, an old college friend who lived on the East Coastdecided to lease a Camry and called me for advice (at the time I didn’t do (^)
any brokering out of state). I forgot to tell him to include GAP when he wasgetting the car, but remembered a day later. He called his dealer and they
added it to the lease.

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