T3 - UK (2021-03)

(Antfer) #1
24 T3 MARCH 2021

In association with
You r ab-bu st i n g workout pl a n

30 seconds x 3
Crunches are not the best abs
exercises, as has been proved in recent years.
Yet, done correctly, ab crunches can get your
abdominal muscles used to contraction,
priming them for ‘proper’ abs exercises.
In essence, you’ll start by laying down on
the floor, knees bent at a 90-degree angle,
arms either on the side of the neck or crossed
over on the chest. Don’t have your hands
behind your head and definitely don’t try to
pull your head with your arms: you might
end up straining your back or neck that way.
Raise your head and shoulders off the
ground, using your abs. You don’t have to lift
your upper body high; just high enough to
activate your abs. At the beginning, try to do
30-second splits, so do 30 seconds of
crunches then 30 seconds rest, three times.

30 seconds x 3
To be able to do kneeling ab
crunches, you will need either a resistance
band or a cable machine. If you’re using a
resistance band, triple check that it’s
securely attached to the anchor point. Also,
if you are working out at home, have a yoga
mat laid out underneath your knees.
To get in the starting position, kneel
down on the mat and grab the end of the
resistance band. Hold the end of the band to
the top of your head and place some of your
upper body weight on the band. The band
should be somewhat stretched even in the
starting position.

Then pull the band down, using your abs,
without your knees lifting from the ground.
You want to make sure you isolate your abs
and really work them hard. Follow the
same pattern as above: do 30 seconds of
exercising, followed by 30 seconds of rest,
three times over.
Kneeling ab crunches provide a fuller
range of movement and eliminate the
back-strain element of regular ab crunches.

30 seconds x 2
Planks are not exciting to do, we
agree. In all honesty, planks are one of the
most boring exercises out there, you literally
do nothing else but hold your body in a fixed
position. Saying that, it is one of the most
challenging exercises you can do and great
for improving your posture and six pack
gains. And if you ever want to know just how
long 60 seconds can be, just try holding the



low-plank position for that long: you’ll
quickly see.
Knee planks are not difficult to perform

  • at least to know what you are supposed to
    do – just hold your body straight whilst
    resting your body on your knees and elbows.
    Hold the knee-plank position for 30 seconds
    and then rest for another 30, repeated twice.
    Planks work your whole core and will
    make the middle part of your body stronger.
    This can come in handy when sitting or
    standing for long periods, and developed
    core muscles can also improve your posture
    as well.

30 seconds x 3
If you really want to work your
abs, you will have to use your legs more.
All the best abs exercises require you to
move your legs, like hanging leg raises,
flutter kicks, scissor kicks and mountain
climbers. None of which are a beginner abs
exercise, unfortunately.
There is one exercise, though, which can
be done fairly easily and still works the lower
abs: lying knee raises. Much like the knee
plank, the lying knee raise is the ‘light’
version of harder exercise, in this case the
lying leg raise.
To perform a lying knee raise, lay yourself
on top of your yoga mat, arms on the side,
legs closed, body completely flat on the
ground. Then, lift both legs up at the same
time while bending them at the knee until
your thighs are perpendicular to the ground,
then let them down again.
Try lifting your legs up slower so you can
activate your abs for longer. Try not to lift
your bum off the floor, and really focus on
the abs as you elevate your legs.







:^ G



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