- SOLAREX SX 10 Solar Panel.
- DC Light Box to illuminate panel.
- Electronics unit under test.
- Dynamometer with Faulhaber 2232 6Volt motor.
(See details in Design Hints)
Test conditions:
Sun Level % 92 %
Panel ISC 607 ma.
Electronics set Voltage Automatic 17.6 Volts
Torque mNm RPM
23700 Running Free
1.7 22000 Start Temp 22 Deg C
3.3 18600
5.5 12900
6.8 9200
11.2 5300
17.5 1800
19.0 780
21.2 240
20.0 190
34 Finish Temp 32 Deg C
Test conditions:
Sun Level % 50 %
Panel ISC 341 ma.
Electronics set Voltage Automatic 17.8 Volts.