GRAPH 5 Motor power vs RPM 18% Sun equivalent
Examination of these graphs shows the narrow RPM band we must work within to stay
near maximum power when electronics is not used.
Other interesting and important observations:
- Solar panel configuration ie. voltage and current available to the motor can
have a significant effect on maximum power output available from the motor.
(Up to about a 35% variation) - The power output of the motor when an electronics unit is used is always
greater than the power output without electronics.
Do remember an electronics unit will probably make a poorly constructed car
move. But it will NEVER turn this car into a winner.
There are several electronics units on the market produced specifically for use in model
solar cars. They all operate by switching power to the load (the motor in this case) on
and off rapidly to maintain the solar panel output voltage within a narrow pre selected
range, around the maximum power point voltage. Generally you must select the required
voltage and adjust the circuit to operate at this selected voltage. Ensure you follow the
instructions provided with whichever unit you select but remember, if any doubt exists as