Astronomy - USA 2021-04)

(Antfer) #1



In New York City, it’s prestigious to say that
you live on the East Side. Conversely, when the
film We st Sid e Stor y c a me out , e ver yone k new
that title referred to rough neighborhoods with street
gangs. Directions matter, at least here on Earth.
When we explore the universe, the east-west distinc-
tion ranges from critical to irrelevant. A huge, near-
light-speed jet races out of the west side of the galaxy
M87, but few observers know or care that it’s heading
toward Leo.
These directions can also get strangely
confusing. When Venus is a morning star, it
can only be seen in the east. Yet at such times,
Venus is listed as having a western elonga-
tion. Same with Mercury. On March 6, that
charbroiled world reaches its greatest western
elongation of 27°, its best of the year. But if
you look west, you won’t see it. You must
instead face east just before dawn.
Now is the best time to be pondering this,
since the equinox highlights these cardinal directions.
On Saturday, March 20, the Sun rises precisely due east
and sets exactly in the west. Those directions have their
singular origin in our planet’s spin. But for the Sun to
rise at the exact eastern cardinal spot on the horizon,
our world cannot be tilted toward or away from our star,
which rarely happens. Instead, it must stand perfectly
sideways to the Sun. This occurs only at the equinox.
So, orientation matters. As an interesting aside — to
be oriented means you correctly know which way you’re
facing. The word shares some meaning with the out-
dated term Orient, meaning — for those in Europe

— the East. Thus, originally, if you knew which way east
was, you were oriented.
As on Earth, orientation matters in astronomy as well.
Directions from binary stars to their dimmer compan-
ions routinely allude to the east or west. And here, we’ve
all occasionally been thrown for a loop since our mir-
rors, lenses, and star diagonals f lip or reverse the images.
Many observers have discovered that a quick way to get
reoriented is to turn off the drive motor. When the object
starts drifting, it is reliably toward the west.
And this would be good enough, except the Celestial
Police — the International Astronomical Union (IAU)
— issued an astonishing decree in 1961. Until then,
when the Moon hovered on the meridian at its highest
point each night, you knew its right side was its western
side, since that limb faced your western horizon.
Indeed, as Earth rotated, the Moon’s leading edge across
the sky was its right, or western, limb.
The trailing limb, the one closest to your eastern hori-
zon, was, of course, its eastern side. So, when the German
astronomer Julius Franz discovered a major new lunar
mare in 1906 right smack on its leftmost edge, he named
it Mare Orientale — the Eastern Sea. This dramatic
feature comprises a concentric set of circular ridges, like
a bull’s-eye target. It became more widely known after
British popularizer Patrick Moore claimed in a bewilder-
ing entry in the 1976 edition of his book Guide to the
Moon that he had discovered and named it. (Thirty years
later, Moore conceded Franz’s priority.) What’s relevant
is that both authors affirmed the mare’s eastern locale.
But with President John F. Kennedy’s promise that
the U.S. would soon send astronauts to the Moon, a
strange directional issue surfaced. On ter-
restrial maps, west is always to the left. If
people would now explore the Moon, find
new features, and make new charts, shouldn’t
those maps match earthly ones?
“Done!” proclaimed the IAU in 1961.
Overnight, the right side of the lunar limb was
officially designated its eastern limb, even
though it was on the Moon’s west side. Which
br i ngs u s back to Ma re Or ient a le , t hat e a ster n
sea. Yep, you guessed it — they kept the name,
even though it was now located smack on the Moon’s
newly minted western edge. And this month around the
equ i nox, a s t he ter m i nator s we eps over t he wa x i ng Moon,
although it nightly progresses eastward as measured by
any compass, GPS, or the sky’s universal directions, it’s
officially moving west along the Moon’s face.
When Rudyard Kipling said of east and west that
“never the twain shall meet,” he had no idea what was
coming a mere quarter-century after his death.

Celestial directions bring on an added layer of confusion.

East meets west?

Mare Orientale, the
Eastern Sea, is
located on the left
side of the Moon, as
viewed from Earth.
Following a 1961
ruling by the IAU, this
is the Moon’s western


if you knew

which way

east was,

you were




Bob’s newest book,
(Little, Brown and
Company, 2019),
explores the greatest
cataclysms that have
shaken the universe.
Free download pdf