Barron's - USA (2021-02-22)

(Antfer) #1

38 BARRON’S February 22, 2021


Some 20% of the world’s Bitcoin mining takes

place in China’s Xinjiang region, where the U.S.

government says a genocide is occurring.

Bitcoin’s Worrying

China Connection


ritics of the nearly

ubiquitous digital

currency Bitcoin

often focus on its



After Tesla an-

nounced recently that it had bought

roughly $1.5 billion in Bitcoin, send-

ing the cryptocurrency’s value sky-

rocketing, sustainability investors

decried the “level of carbon dioxide

emissions generated from Bitcoin

mining.” Certainly, “mining”—the

energy-intensive process by which

computers solve complex algorithmic

problems to verify blockchain trans-

actions, for which they’re rewarded

in digital currency—is an undeniable

environmental offender.

But there is another worrying

aspect of Bitcoin, one that should

make investors think twice about

including it as part of an ethical

investing strategy.

A large amount of new Bitcoin

comes from Xinjiang, the region in

northwest China where more than a

million Uighur Muslims and other

minorities have been imprisoned in

concentration camps. According to

the Cambridge Bitcoin Electricity

Consumption Index, as of April

2020, China was responsible for 65%

of all Bitcoin mining. And of that,

36% takes place in Xinjiang, the larg-

est regional component. Why? Cheap

coal means cheap energy to power

the machines that mine Bitcoin. Xin-

jiang has an abundant supply of coal,

and the region’s relative remoteness

means that it’s far cheaper to use the

resource locally than move it to other

parts of China. The issue is not that

the Chinese government uses forced

labor in Xinjiang coal mines—the

reporting on that is inconclusive.

Rather, because of the atrocities oc-

curring in Xinjiang, any product pro-

duced there brings with it high ethi-

cal and regulatory risk.

In the camps—which Beijing calls

“vocational educational and training

centers”—guards try to “deradicalize”

Uighurs for crimes such as wearing

long dresses, abstaining from pork or

alcohol, or praying. While the diffi-

culty of reporting in the region

means that concrete evidence is

scarce, camp survivors have de-

scribed systemic torture, forced ster-

ilization, and rape. (Beijing denies

committing atrocities.) In January,

right before leaving office, Secretary

of State Mike Pompeo declared that

Beijing was committing “genocide” in

the region. His successor, Antony

Blinken, agrees.

To summarize: Roughly 20% of

new Bitcoin is mined in Xinjiang, the

site of some of the world’s most egre-

gious human-rights abuses.

Today, Bitcoin’s association with

Xinjiang is barely discussed. But that

may change. For public-facing funds

considering investing in the notori-

ously volatile asset, there are two

other risks to consider. The first is

that because of the concern among

the American public about human-

rights abuses in Xinjiang, holding

assets tied to the region comes at the

risk of a public relations disaster.

Already, activists have criticized

Olympic sponsors for participating

in the “genocide Olympics”—the 2022

Beijing Winter Games. Multiyear

campaigns to hive Xinjiang off from

the global supply chain are already

well under way.

In July, more than 190 organiza-

tions, including the AFL-CIO, called

for clothing brands to end all sourc-

ing from Xinjiang within the next 12

months. (In 2020, roughly 20% of

the world’s cotton came from Xinji-

ang.) It’s not hard to imagine Bitcoin

becoming another frontier in their


Investors should be alert for regu-

latory action. Bitcoin’s Xinjiang rela-

tionship gives ammunition to those

in the U.S. government who may

want to further monitor or restrict

the transactions. Analysts expect

the Biden administration to pay close

attention to Bitcoin. In mid-February,

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen criti-

cized the “misuse” of cryptocurren-

cies in laundering money or funding

terrorism. At the same time, Bitcoin’s

Xinjiang connection could put it on

the radar of the various arms of the

Commerce, State, and Defense de-

partments that are seeking to reduce

U.S. dependence on physical and dig-

ital Chinese goods. If this trend in-

tensifies, the Treasury Department

could sanction the Bitcoin mining

firms that have large operations in

Xinjiang, or issue advisories that it

is “studying” Bitcoin’s links to the

region—signaling to global financial

institutions another risk of holding

the cryptocurrency.

In January, U.S. Customs banned

the imports of Xinjiang cotton and

tomato products and told U.S. com-

panies to get forced labor out of their

supply chains. Extricating Bitcoin

from Xinjiang could be far more diffi-

cult. Unlike, say, blood diamonds or

Iranian crude oil, Bitcoins exist only

digitally. While there is a public re-

cord of the billions of Bitcoin transac-

tions, it’s exceedingly complicated to

determine the geographic origin of a

particular Bitcoin. That means all

Bitcoin holders can deny any connec-

tion to human-rights abuses—but

also risk being tarnished by the


It has long been ironic that Bit-

coin, developed to decentralize

power, is so dependent on China,

a country ruled by a government

obsessed with centralizing it. But

depending on China is one thing.

Depending on Xinjiang is another.

There are many excellent ethical and

regulatory reasons not to buy Bit-

coin. Add Xinjiang to that list.B

Isaac Stone Fish is the CEO and founder

of Strategy Risks, a firm that quantifies

corporate exposure to China.

By Isaac Stone Fish

Illustration by Pete Reynolds
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