artistApril 2021 3
from the editor
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Publishing Editor:
Sally Bulgin PhD Hon VPRBSA
Deputy Editor:
Deborah Wanstall
Subscriptions & Marketing Manager:
Wendy Gregory
[email protected]
01778 395174
Commercial Manager
Neil Miller
Advertising sales:
Jayne Notley 01778 391189
[email protected]
Advertisement copy:
Natalie Reynolds: 01778 391130
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Online Editor:
Dawn Farley
Brenda Hedley
01778 391000
[email protected]
Events Manager:
Caroline Griffi ths
Subscription orders
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is published every four weeks by
Warners Group Publications plc and is printed
by Warners Midlands PLC, The Maltings, Manor
Lane, Bourne, Lincolnshire PE10 9PH.
incorporating ART & ARTISTS
First established 1931
ISSN 0004-
Vol.136 No.
ISSUE 1093
Warners Group Publications,
The Maltings, West Street, Bourne,
Lincolnshire, PE10 9PH. Tel: 01778 395174
Sally Bulgin Publishing Editor
Let us know what you think at
- [email protected]
Best wishes
o celebrate our 90th year since our fi rst issue was published in March 1931, last
month we invited you to participate in the fi rst of our online 90th Anniversary
Challenges. Details of our second 90th Anniversary Challenge can be found
on page 71. In addition, we are also launching our new 90th Anniversary Front
Cover Competition, details of which can be seen on page 2, left. Please help us
to celebrate this signifi cant milestone by joining in with our monthly challenges, and by
entering for the chance to see your work published on the front cover of The Artist.
Ninety years on is a good time to refl ect on our long history. Our fi rst issue was published
by Harold Sawkins in London in March 1931 and for many years The Artist and The Studio
were the only magazines available for the practising artist. By 1956 our International
Amateur Art Exhibition had become the second largest art exhibition in London, and we
also ran a series of sketching holidays and summer schools in France. In 1957 The Artist
took over the Heatherley School of Fine Art, and our offi ces moved to Warwick Square in
Pimlico, London, from where the magazine and the school were run in tandem for the next
18 years.
The owner before me, Irene Briers, was involved with the magazine for her entire career,
alongside Frederick Parkinson, managing editor for over 25 years until his retirement in
1975, when the title was sold to American publishers. Irene bought the title back into her
ownership and a new UK company in 1979, which I joined in 1986 as assistant editor on The
Artist. By then we were also publishing our sister title Leisure Painter, launched originally
in 1967 as a quarterly house magazine by Reeves Colourmakers. I purchased The Artists’
Publishing Company, publisher of our titles, in 1998, and ran the company for 18 years,
until selling the business to our current owners, Warner’s Group Publications, in 2016.
Over our long history we have experienced many signifi cant changes and technological
developments, which have seen us launch our community website http://www.painters-online., our digital editions and e-newsletters. Plus, the ever-expanding social media
opportunities have enabled us to communicate more easily with artists worldwide and
share our content in myriad new ways. Our magazines are obviously very diff erent today
to how they were produced and presented in the past, but our aims remain consistent
with our founding editor’s original aims, outlined in his fi rst editorial in our March 1931
issue: ‘The Artist sets out on its career with the defi nite and sincere object of assisting in
the practical education and training of art students. Every contributor to this magazine
will be a practical artist, in the front rank, capable of giving sound advice and help to the
ambitious student...students will be shown exactly how famous professional artists build
up their pictures, how they have solved the many problems facing them.... Students
will be told what to aim for and taken step by step along the path by artists who can
sympathise with ambitious art workers.’
These original aims continue to guide the planning of today’s issues, in discussion with
our contributing artists and always, of course, informed by the invaluable feedback and
requirements of our readers. Enjoy our latest issue, and we look forward to seeing more
of your work in all our current competitions, including our annual TALPOpen competition
with over 35 prizes worth over £13,500 to be won. See full details and how to enter this
competition on pages 14–15.
1931 – 2021
Barry Herniman Morning Light, Early Frosts, acrylic
on mountboard, 1421in (35.553.5cm).
See pages 35 to 37