April 2021 31
Mother And Daughter,
watercolour on Arches
Rough 140lb (300gsm),
12½ 3 18½in (32 3 47cm).
The most challenging
part was the orange-
brown fur. I didn’t
want to overwhelm
the painting with a
blanket of warm colour
so elected for a loose,
broad brush approach
to encourage the shape
to vignette towards
the edges. I opened up
the brushstrokes and
made use of diagonals
to create energy. Finally
I applied a pale wash
of raw sienna to the
background and a little
watery spatter when dry
p Elephant Mirage, watercolour on Arches Rough 140lb (300gsm), 10½ 3 18½in (27 3 47cm).
A simple composition of one major shape comprising a group of elephants
why I like to keep these simple. A detailed
background can compromise the silhouette
of the subject so I usually don’t include one. I
painted Elephant Mirage (above) because I was
drawn to the overall shape of the subject. There
is very little detail but the shape of the ears
and the light catching the trunks are enough to
suggest the herd ambling towards us. I made use
of colourful greys and the legs disappear lost-
and-found into the ground, making a peaceful
and understated image.
Jake Winkle
Jake’s work can be viewed on his website http://www.winkleart.
com. He has been the subject of a book by Batsford Books
and has several teaching DVDs available from Town House
Films ( Jake uses the Luxartis
range of kolinsky sable brushes available from