artist 59
April 2021
Be your own best critic
Mike Barr offers some sensible advice about criticism,
both constructive and destructive, and urges you to
take a hard look at your own output. If you can be
honest with yourself there will only be one critical
voice you need to listen to – your own
Mike Barr
is a Fellow of the Royal South
Australian Society of Arts and a
member of The Australian Guild of
Realist Artists. Mike has won over 80
awards, including 17 first prizes. You
can find more of Mike’s work at
ritique is a big word in the world
of art. From the humblest painting
done on the back porch to art worth
millions, there is always a critic at
hand and they are more than ready to offer
a few words of their wisdom! Criticism is
nothing to artists at the top of their game –
their success is enough encouragement for
them. However, for most artists criticism can
be crippling.
There are three main types of criticism.
l There is the unsolicited critique. We all
know how annoying this is! Being on the
receiving end of it can be very discouraging,
particularly if it is in earshot of those around
l Constructive criticism always seems to be
available from our peers. Many of
us even seek such opinions, but
asking for such critiques will often
just bring in a flood of conflicting
personal views that add nothing
for the artist.
l The most devastating of
critiques, though, are the
dishonestly kind ones given by
family and friends. You know,
the ones that tell you how
talented you are, how wonderful
the painting is and many other
buttery things, which may
be completely untrue. The
devastating thing about this is
that artists can actually begin
Storm Cocklers – Goolwa,
acrylic on canvas, 29½ 3 39½in
(75 3 100cm).
There is one place criticism
shouldn’t take place and that is at
an art show with potential buyers
in earshot! One artist tried to
give me a ‘constructive critique’
in such a situation and it wasn’t
appreciated. The painting sold
and won a special award
to believe it! Although family and friends
are being polite, they are actually setting
up an artist for mediocrity. However,
encouragement is a different thing
altogether and it can be done without
resorting to gushing untruths!
Having just started painting as a hobby
or career, it’s almost impossible to improve
when we already believe our work to be
great! The answer is to be our own best critic.
But how do we do that?
Firstly, get on the internet and look at
some amazing art – trawl through sites like
Pinterest and you’ll come to the realisation
that there are many artists in the world
who produce amazing work. This is not to
put ourselves down, but just to put our
art in perspective. The next big step is to
put our work into open exhibitions. When
our work is hung with the works of others,
our paintings are seen in a completely
different light. What may have seemed like
a masterpiece at home, suddenly doesn’t
seem quite so good. This is not self-inflicted
cruelty, it’s self-imposed honesty! When we
realise that we can improve, improvement
is possible. When we think we’ve made it, it
just means we’ve stopped learning.
Critique other artists’ works by all means,
but keep it to yourself! Private critiquing is a
great way to learn. Take note of what is good
and what is bad in other’s paintings and see
if it applies to you. Painting truly is a journey
and it never stops – enjoy that journey.