Old Cars Weekly News \& Marketplace - Auto Restoration Guide: Advice and How-to Projects for Your Collector Car

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such as the fenders and door, with the application of body filler over the
welds. To minimize the amount of filler required to complete the job and
simplify the effort required to work the filler, it was sparingly applied. In
this instance, the filler covered the weld on the top and bottom side of
the floor pans about an inch on each side of the weld.

Sanding the filler  smooth  by  hand.   A   mix of  sanding tools   are used
in this step. Large, flat areas can be covered quickly with a dual-
action sander (DA); corners may be sanded with foam blocks in a
variety of sizes, depending on the size of the area.

The 36-grit disc    on  the mini-grinder    used    for cutting down    the
rough weld.
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