Old Cars Weekly News \& Marketplace - Auto Restoration Guide: Advice and How-to Projects for Your Collector Car

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due to  the soft    metal   alloy   (tin,   lead,   copper  and antimony)   which
created less friction under use.

The flywheel    and crankshaft  were    bolted  together    as  a   unit.   The
crankshaft initially passed visual inspection and tolerances.
However, it was sent to a machine shop to be magnafluxed. This
process uses a wet-down solution and metal particles to bring out
hidden flaws and cracks that are normally unseen by the eye.

“I’ve got bad news,” Rick said. He had found a problem when he
lowered the pan. “Broken metal pieces. We don’t know what’s inside
until we tear it apart. The pistons may be shot. The cylinder walls may
be scored. This could mean a major engine rebuild.”


By April 2, the engine was completely disassembled. The flywheel and
crankshaft were removed. Contact was made with Effingham Regrinding
in Effingham, Ill. General Manager Dean Klinkelaar took personal
interest in the job of checking every part delivered to him, prior to
estimating what needed to be done. For just about any old-car owner,

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