Old Cars Weekly News \& Marketplace - Auto Restoration Guide: Advice and How-to Projects for Your Collector Car

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instructions on them, but paint is often spilled over the instructions, and
the print is small and hard to read even before it’s covered by primer.
Take every opportunity to discuss the project with the local paint
supplier. Each project is different, and there are loads of variables that
can affect selection of primers, paint guns and accessories. A local paint
supplier will have insight into what works and what doesn’t much more
than the occasional internet chat board.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Articles like this are a guideline more
than direct instruction. Think about the different techniques involved
when it comes to priming large parts and small parts. After a while,
adjusting the paint gun will be second nature, but at first, the average
hobbyist isn’t prepared for the knobs and dials involved. These are
things learned with practice. Pay close attention to the instructions and
pay close attention to the results and the job will come out like it is
supposed to.

For more    painting    and priming tips    and advice, check   out 
the Automotive Paint Handbook, available at
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