Old Cars Weekly News \& Marketplace - Auto Restoration Guide: Advice and How-to Projects for Your Collector Car

(singke) #1

the rusty metal at one time, possibly leaving the entire floor open,
Kopecky braces the convertible body tub in the door openings and cuts
out and replaces only one section of the floor at a time. (The focus of
this article is the front floor pan of the 300-F.)

The new floor   plan    section is  laid    in  place.  Al  tack    weld    will    be  put
in one corner when the floor is in the correct position, then the old
floor will be cut out from around the edge of the new floor. This is
done one side at a time, using a MIG welder to butt weld the part in

With the new section of floor in hand, Kopecky Klassics employee
Kevin Dombrowski lays the new floor pan over the existing pan while
it’s still in the car. Dombrowski usually uses the entire pan sent, because
the parts typically extend to a flat area of the floor, which is a good
place to complete the butt weld, then apply the finishing touches.
With the new floor pan in place over the old floor, Dombrowski tack
welds one corner of the new floor to the old floor. He then runs a 3-inch

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