After the Avant-Gardes

(Bozica Vekic) #1
Index 239

Kjoek, Solveig, 7
Klee, Paul, 10
knowledge, subjectivity of, 63
Kolisch, Rudolf, 212n11
Kosuth, Joseph, 11
Krauss, Rosalind, 173
Kremarik, Katherine, 221n29
Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 202–03n11
Kunstreligion, 66, 68, 206n18
Kuspit, Donald, 198n46

Lack, Richard
Realism in Revolution, 220n20[e]
Ladis, Andrew, 220n24
Lake, Paul, 132
landscape preferences, 110–120
“language poetry,” 130, 132
L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E writing, 141,
Lansing, Kenneth M., 226n54
“lawless order” (Lorand), 83
Lecter, Hannibal, 135
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 62, 142–43
Mona Lisa, 111, 123
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 59
Levi, Primo, 77–78, 80–82, 84, 86, 90,
on art, and survival, 78
on Dante, 79
Survival in Auschwitz, 79
Levinson, Jerrold, 38, 205n5
Li Zehou, 203n11
Lichtenstein, Roy, 45, 180
Lieberman, Philip
Eve Spoke, 145
life, as work of art, 88
Light (magazine), 136
decline of, 141
and deconstruction, 145
emergent order in, 148
larger context of, 152–53
Liu, Maya, 177
Locke, John, 142
logocentrism, 145
Lorand, Ruth, 83, 211n21

Lowry, Glenn, 49–50, 228n1
Lucie-Smith, Edward, 195n3
Ludwig, Pascal, 200n3
Luther, Martin, 228n1
Lynch, David, 72

magical realism, 213n3
Magritte, René, 191
Mahler, Gustav, 100
Malevich, Kasimir, 43, 204n15
Black Square on a White Ground, 120
Mann, Thomas
Doctor Faustus, 27
Mansfield, Jayne, 125
Marr, David, 119
Martin, Agnes, 180
Marvell, Andrew, 156
Marx, Karl H., 26, 35
massive modularity, 116
Mather, George, 200n3
Matisse, Henri, 53, 213n2
McEvilley, Thomas, 170–71, 178,
The Triumph of Anti-Art, 171
McNeill, Daniel
Fuzzy Logic, 147
Mekjan, Sindre, 196n15
memory, as fractal, 149
metaphor, 158
MFA, 173–74, 217n8, 221n26
Michelangelo, 114
David, 39, 111
Michigan State University, 221n28
Milk(film), 179
Mill, John Stuart, 77–78, 80, 87–92
harm principle, 78, 87, 211n31
on the exhaustion of musical
combinations, 210n10
On Liberty, 87–92, 211n32, 211n33
mimesis, 48–49
mimetic art, 41, 202–03n11
blank slate view of, 115
modules of, 109, 115–17
Moby-Dick(Melville), 150
modern art, 145
and abstraction, 17–18
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