Laeticia\'s scoliosis book

(laeticia) #1

When I was 12 I noticed that one of my shoulders was much
higher than the other, I went to see a doctor and got
diagnosed with Scoliosis, it was already quite severe. I had 3
curves that were 7°, 20°, and 37° degrees. I never knew that
Scoliosis was a thing, I have never heard of it and I didn't
know anyone else who was going through it, I spent nights
searching up how to treat it. Around half a year later my
mum flew me to a rehab in Germany where I learned to do
Schroth exercise and got a back brace to correct my curves.
Now four years later my lower curve that's was 37° is 7°,
however, my two upper curves got worse they are now both
around 27°, so I am still stuck wearing a brace. Not only do I
wear a back brace but I also go to a Schroth exercise rehab
for three weeks every year, do pilates once every week, and I
do my Schroth exercise that I have learned in rehab five
times a week. Scoliosis had a huge torment on my mental
health I was so insecure about how I looked in my back
brace, I would just wear oversized clothing and would barely
go out with friends. It took me a while but I got used to it and
now I am more confident with wearing my brace outside and
telling people that I have one in the first place. I do not enjoy
wearing my brace or having Scoliosis however the way I have
coped with having scoliosis has made me a stronger person.

My Personal Coping

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