All about scoliosis

(laeticia) #1

Physical Therapy

A non-operational option for treating scoliosis is the Schroth
Method. Physical therapy can be done for all ages of patients
and for all severities of scoliosis. In a 3D plane, Schroth
exercises are designed to de-rotate, lengthen and strengthen
the spine to address the curve from all angles. Physical
therapy helps accomplish this by targeting preserving muscle
balance and posture adjustment. To help keep aware of your
position you would have to breathe into your body's
concaved side. In scoliosis, in each person, the spine rotation
is different, so every person gets their own individual Schroth
exercises. Schroth exercises can be done with props such as
bars, hoops, and sticks, and the exercises can be done whilst
sitting, standing, or lying down.

Treatment for adults and


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