Table 2.8 Mechanical properties of steels to BS EN 10155: 1993
Mechanical properties forfit and long products')
Designation Minimum yield strength R:A Tensile strength R:
Nlmm2 Nlmm2
Position Minimum percentage elongation at
of test fracture')
pieces') %
Nominal thickness Nominal thickness
mm mm
According According 116 >16 >40 >63 >SO 23
EN 10027-1 and EN 10027-2 540 163 580 5100 <3 - < 100
&=80 mm & = 5.65JSo
Nominal thickness Nominal thickness
>1.5 >2 ~2.5 53 >40 >63
- <2 52.5 t3 540 563 5100
mm mm
1-8958} 235 225 215 215 215 360-510 340-470 19 20 21 26 25 24
1 A961 t 17 18 19 24 23 22
16 17 18 22 - -
1.8946 t 14 15 16 20 - -
1.8945) 355 3452) - - - 510-680 490-630
1 16 17 18 22 21 20
355 345 335 325 315 510-680 490-630
S355JOW 1.8959
S355J2Gl W 1.8%3
S355J2G2W 1.8965
S355K2G1 W 1.8966
S355K2G2W 1.8967 t 14 15 16 20 19 18
') The values in the table apply to longitudinal test pieces (1) for the tensile test. For plate, smp and wide flats with widths ~(5fXl
2, his value applies on~y in respect to sw, sectiom and bars (sec table 2).
transverse test pieces (t)