Steels_ Metallurgy and Applications, Third Edition

(singke) #1

Table 4.11 The properties of low interstitial fem'tic stainless steels (Afrer Streicher'8)

180- 260-IMo w26Cr- 28Cr-2Mo- 29Cr4Mo 290-
2M0-li (High purity) IMo-li 4Ni-Nb 4Mo-2Ni

stress corrosion cracking
MgClz (155 C, 310 F) R'* R* R* F R* R
NaCl(103 C, 217 F) R R R R R R
Room Temperature F R R R R R
50 C (120 F) - R R R R R
90 C (195 F) - F F F R R

Room Temperature F F F R R R
50 C (120 F) - - - F R R
Nitric-65% Ft R Ft R R R
pitting and Crevice Corrosion

Ferric Chloride

Corrosion in Boiling Acids'

Formic -45% F R R R R R
oxalic-10% F F F R R R
sulfuric- 10% F F F R F R
HydroChlori~-l% F F F R F R
Transition Tmperature' +25 to +75 c -62 C c4oC -5 c +16 C -7 c
(+75 to 165 F) (-80 F) (+I05 F) (+U F) (+a F) (+20 F)
Reliniog Rocesses AOD 01 VOD EB or VIM AOD VOD or AOD VIM or EB VIM

'R indicates passive M self-repassivatiog with rates R = Resistant
(0.2 mm/yr0.008 ioJyr) F = Fads by type of corrosion shown
'Full size Charpy V-notch specimem AOD = Argon-Oxyg~ Decarburizati~n
*Copper and nickel residuals must be kept low in these alloys
?Not recommended for oxidizing solutioos
*Data from Climax MotyWenum Co. publicatioo, '18Cr-2Mo

VOD = Vacuum-Oxygen Decarburizatioo
VIM = Vacuum-Induction Melting
EL3 = Electroo Beam Refining
to mist ciackiog in this solution
Ferritic Stainless Steel'
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