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You’re Ready to Move On

Closing Thought – Taking Your Playing to the Next Level
(^) Many players “dream” of becoming better guitar player. They may read guitar magazines in hopes of
becoming a better guitar player. They may buy expenguitar player. But the only answer I have found to taking your playing to the next level is practice.sive gear in their quest to become a more accomplis Real hed
progress is made in the practice room. Period. Noto hear great guitarists play. All of these things are great and have a place in your development. Bt in guitar magazines, guitar stores, expensive geaut the only r or going
place that real progress is made in your own playinpractice. Learn to treasure your moments to practig is when you shut the door to life for a few minutce. Just you, your guitar and new things to learn. Keep up es and
the great work.
Tips for Successful Learning

  • Get Familiar with the Chord Forms. With anything that you learn, there are two stages that the
    information needs to go through – Acquisition (you knowledge to your own playing). It is going to take some time to get the new chord forms down. After learn something new) & Application (you can apply tthis, if you he new
    don’t begin to use them in your own playing you wilto form but keep working with them until you can fol soon forget them. Some of these forms may be difrm them quickly enough to start using them. Experimficult at first ent with
    incorporating the chord substitutions and the new cforms around. Learn how they pivot. This will take them from being “head knowledge” into actually gehord forms into your own playing. Practice moving tting good the movable
    mileage out of them as you play. A teacher told meuse it in a song or real playing situation. I have found this to be true. Use it or lose it. one time that anything that you learn is useless until you can

  • Practice the Chord Substitutions.sounds or trying a G2 for the next G chord that you The next time that you see a D chord, throw in a D2 see. I rarely ever play an open G chord anymore. and see how it I, almost
    always, will substitute a two chord in for it. It try an Am11th chord instead. These chord substitutitakes practice to do this quickly. The next time yons will start to define your “sound.” Work on incou see an Am chord, orporating
    them every chance that you get.

  • Play all of the advanced chord forms and have memorized them.

  • Play the Two chord, Major 7th, Minor 11th, and Chord Substitution Exercises in
    your lesson book and in the bonus resources at 80 bpm.

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