
(singke) #1

SESSION 2 – Reading Music & Notes on the 1 st & 2 nd Strings
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
How to Read Music
Rhythms & Rests Notes on the 1 st & 2 nd Strings
Skills Gained in this Session
Learning How to Read Music Notation
Visual Recognition of 1Physical Playing of 1 st & 2st & 2nd String Notes nd String Notes
Using Correct Note Values & Rhythm
Learning to play an instrument builds perseverance, creativity and
pride in accomplishment – three traits everyone can benefit from.
Session Overview
In this session, the key elements of music reading memorization of the note names for the lines and spare introduced. aces of the music staff are a key point The learning and
in this session.phrase Every Good Boy Does Fine. The note names for The note names for lines are E, G, B, D & F and a spaces are F, A, C and E and re easily memorized by the
conveniently spell the word FACE. Rhythmically, thaccording to how many beats each is sustained. e different types of notes and rests vary
(^) There are three notes introduced on the first or “E” string. There will be two tasks involved in
playing these notes that you will have to master. Fanswers the question “What note is that?” Second isirst is the task of note recognition which the task of playing which asks, “How do I
play that note?” So, taking a moment to write in ttasks making it easier to learn. You won’t always he notes before playing helps split up the two be writing in the notes but for now, at this
stage, it is helpful.
With the addition of the 3 notes on the B string yohand. Make sure that you are bracing your picking hand piu will have to switch strings in your picking nky on the soundboard to give
the hand the stability it needswon’t always need to brace in this way, but for now to be accurate when plucking the correct string. A it is going to be helpful. There will be gain, you
occasional times where you are trying to hit one stoccasional misfire is completely normal. Your accurring and accidentally hit the other. This acy in picking will gradually improve over
As with the chords in the previous session, occasioorder to finger the proper notes on the proper strings. While looking at your hands is fine nally you will need to look at your hands in
initially, pretty quickly you should be able to finglancing will eventually slow your progress down. d the note without looking. Continuously Glance when you need to, but avoid
glancing for every note.
When learning the songs, write in the notes and tryplay the chords. The Jam-Along songs have 3 versio to play the notes at a slow even pace, then ns of each song: slow, medium and fast.
Playing with the Jam-Along CDs are a fun and helpfuthe sessions. l way to reinforce the skills learned in
Memorize the note
names on the
music staff.
Take a minute to
write in the names
of the notes.
It will help you at
this stage.
Misfires in picking
are normal. Try not
to get frustrated.
Your accuracy will
improve in time.

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