
(singke) #1

SESSION 15 – Electric Guitars – The Heart of Rock & Roll
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
Types of Electric Guitars Guitar Pickups
Power Chords Country Guitar Playing
Funk Guitar Playing Guitar Effects
Skills Gained in this Session
Familiarity with Various Types of Electric Guitars Learning Power Chord Forms
Understanding Basic Aspects of a Variety of Guitar Familiarity with Guitar Effects Styles
I mean, the sound of an amplified guita r in a room full of people was so hypnotic
and addictive to me, that I could cross any kind of border to get over there.

  • Eric Clapton

Session Overview
As an instrument, the electric guitar has done morerelatively short existence than probably any other instrument in the history of the world. In this to shape the musical landscape in its
session, many different types of electric guitars athe basic types of guitar pickups. Other elements re introduced as well as a brief introduction to of guitar gear (straps, strings, cables, etc.)
are also covered in the bonus workshop for this ses sion.
Different types of electric guitar technique are inguitar playing. In rock guitar playing, power chortroduced in this session for various styles of ds are used almost exclusively. POWER
CHORDS are chords that use only the root and 5th steasy to play on guitar and are heard in almost evereps of the major scale. y rock song you hear. Several open and Power chords are
moveable forms are introduced with several exercise s given for practice.
Country guitar playing utilizes several unique techsimultaneously), two-note bends and arpeggios mixinniques like double-stops (plucking two notes g open strings with fretted notes. The
physical motion of some of these particular techniqif you take the time to learn them slowly. ues is challenging but can be easily obtained

(^) SLIDING FOURTHS are a very common guitar technique that involves playing two notes (a
fourth apart) and sliding both notes a whole step ucover a wide variety of guitar styles. p. Many variations of this simple technique
(^) In the “How Music Works” section of the DVD presentation, a very important musical concept
called the Harmonized Major Scale is introduced. specific pattern of chord types that are derived frThe HARMONIZED MAJOR SCALE is a om building triads on each step of the
major scale.MAJOR triads. Triads built off of the 2nd, 3rd & 6 Triads built off of the 1st, 4th and 5th steps of th steps of the major scale end up being the major scale end up being
MINOR triads. A triad built off of the 7th step ofThis pattern of major, minor and diminished chords the scale ends up being a DIMINISHED triad. is consistent in every key.
(^) There are lots of great things covered in this session. So, let’s get started!
use only the root &
5th steps of the
major scale.
Aspects of guitar
technique that
require new
physical motions
should be
practiced very
Major Chords
I – IV – V
Minor Chords
ii – iii – iv

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