SESSION 3 – Notes on the 3 rd & 4 th St rings
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
Ties, Dots, Repeat Signs
Eighth Notes Alternating Down & Up Picking
Notes on the 3 rd & 4 th Strings
Skills Gained in this Session
Understanding How Ties & Dots Work
The Rhythm Values of Eighth Notes Alternating Down & Up Picking for Eighth Notes
Playing the Notes on the 3Music Reading with More Notesrd & 4 th Strings
Guitar is one of the greatest instruments to play. It is universal
in its appeal yet each player’s music is unique.
Session Overview
In this session, musical elements of ties, dots, anrequire one extra step in determining the correct length of the given note. d repeat signs are introduced. Ties and dots Repeat signs are a
musical way of notating for the musician to play a for repeats is on pg. 16 of the lesson book. section of music again. The explanation
(^) In this session, we add one more division of the beat, eighth notes. Eighth notes split the beat
so that there are two eighth notes for every beat. eighth notes are shorter than quarter notes so that Another way to think about it would be that it takes two eighth notes to make up one
quarter note. When playing eighth notes on a guitadown stroke followed by an up stroke. Getting the correct alternating picking motion willr you will need to alternate your picking to a
require a little thought at first but you will quic kly figure it out.
There are two new notes introduced on the third or fourth or “D” string. The second finger will now be used to get some of the notes on these “G” string and three additional notes on the
strings. all of the strings.Bracing with the picking hand is still very importa Occasional picking misfires that accidentally hitnt to you pick accurately between adjacent strings are
common at this stage. Just go back and try again u ntil you can get the correct note or string.
Playing through the songs in the lesson book and intracks will be challenging but enjoyable for you. Writing in the note names, if you need to, will the bonus resources with the Jam-Along
generally help with speed and accuracy. As alwayscan be correctly played at an even pace before speeding up the tempo. Some of the songs use , start slow and make sure all of the notes
chords that are not officially introduced until Sessession is mostly about learning the single notes ision 5 (pg. 31 of the lesson book). While this f you want to work on these newer chords
that is great. Have Fun!
TIES add two
notes together to
make one longer
DOTS add one half
of whatever they
are attached to.
Use an alternating
down & up picking
motion for eighth
Playing the songs
with the Jam-
Along CDs is an
effective and fun
way to practice.
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