
(singke) #1

SESSION 4 – Notes on the 5 th & 6 th Strings
B o n u s R e s o u r c e s
Key Concepts
Notes on the 5 th & 6 th Strings
Notes in the First Position Sharps, Flats & Natural Signs
The Am & E Chords
Skills Gained in this Sess ion
Playing the Notes on the 5 th & 6 th Strings
Using All of the Notes Learned So Far How to Play Using Sharps, Flats and Naturals
Using the Pinky to Play 4Forming the Am & E Chords Correctlyth or 5 th Fret Notes
Most people can only listen to music but a musician has the
unique joy of being able to create it.
Session Overview
In this session, the notes on the last two strings notes may be a little awkward to play initially butof the guitar are covered. , in time, they will get as comfortable to These lower string
play as the others.notes on the 5th and 6th strings in this session ar On the music staff you will notice the introductie below the staff so leger lines must be used on of leger lines. All of the
to indicate how far beneath the staff each note is.
Some new musical concepts are introduced in this seThe use of these sharps and flats create some interesting fingering considerations when ssion; Sharps, Flats, and Natural signs.
applying them to guitar which are covered in detailor flatted notes requires the use of the pinky. This will be the first time the pinky has needed to on the DVD. Playing some of these sharped
be used to cover notes that appear on the fourth frhand fingers so it may take some time and effort toet. gain the motor skill control and strength The pinky is the weakest of the fretting
With the addition of the notes on the last two striposition. This is definitely a milestone to be celebrated. Various exercises and songs in the ngs, you now know all of the notes in the first
lesson book and the bonus resources offer good pracnotes. Also, the Easy Pop Melodies series by Hal Leonard or any other “Easy” type of tice to practice all of these first position
songbook is perfect for additional practice at this stage.
Two more chords are introduced, the A minor chord, have the same shape but vary in which strings are used. abbreviated Am, and the E chord. Both Be careful to play the correct
number of strings for each chord.
The songs in the lesson book and in the bonus resouaddition of eighth notes and occasional sharped notes. Playing them correctly will involve using rces are getting more involved with the
the pinky to play some of the notes. Your pinky wieffort it will gain the necessary strength and control that the other fingers have. ll feel clumsy at first but with a little bit of
(^) Enjoy the new songs and take a moment to celebrate learning all of the notes in the first
SHARPS raise any
note one half step.
FLATS lower any
note one half step.
Write the letter
names of any
sharped or flatted
notes in the music
to help you
remember them.
Your pinky will feel
clumsy initially, but
in time it will be as
capable as the
other fingers.

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