
(singke) #1

You’re Ready to Move On

Closing Thought – Don’t Tune Out, Dig In
(^) Many people start to tune out when anyone starts talking about learning how music works with a little bit of
music theory. I use music theory every time I playwhen playing on stage or finding ways to bring life to a boring sounding chord progression in the stud. It doesn’t matter whether I am trying to work out a solo io,
knowing how music works and fits together is vital takes music from the esoteric to the concrete. If I know how music fits together, I don’t have to guesto being a good musician. Knowing a bit of music thes to find ory
what notes sound good. I can just figure out which good. I encourage you to dig in to learning your scales. Yes, it takes work. But you are going thronotes are going to work and what will ultimately sough all of und
this to become a better guitar player – to learn mobe a key that unlocks a lot of musical understandinre than you knew before – and knowing a little bit g for you. Keep up the great work! about how music works will
Tips for Successful Learning

  • Allow Time for Your Muscles to Develop. It’s going to take some time for your hand to develop
    the strength and flexibility needed to play barre can indication there is not enough pressure being puhords successfully. If the sound is “buzzy” when yt against the string. Practice these buzzy barre chou play that is ords a little bit
    each day and slowly you will notice them becoming chand strength increases. learer and clearer. The sound of barre chords will blossom as

  • Start to Memorize Your Scales. Eventually, they will need to be memorized just likYou will need to know these major scales at a momene a child learns the multiplication table. Solve the worksheets in t’s notice.
    the book. Don’t just solve them once; solve them ocan write it. For the time being, sit down every time you practice and figure out the 12 major scalesver and over again until you know the answer faster. At first it will than you
    take you 15 minutes or so, then after a few days yoable to fill them out in a matter of a couple of minutes. u will be down to 6 or 7 minutes. And eventually you will be

  • All of the barre chord exercises on page 44 in the lesson book and in the bonus
    resources can be played smoothly at 72 bpm.

  • The notes and chords to “Home on the Range” & “Yellow Rose of Texas” can be
    played at 84 bpm.

  • You have completed all of the major scale worksheets in the lesson book and in
    the bonus resources.

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